Milestones and Moon Pies: The Year in Review

Table of contents

“It’s been an exciting year for DreamFactory and the thriving DreamFactory community. We released DreamFactory 2.0 and followed up with DreamFactory Enterprise. We launched new professional support plans, and we got new partnerships with Intel, Verizon, AppGyver, and more, all of which help you build and deploy your mobile, web, and IoT apps faster. We've got lots more coming in 2016, so thanks, stay tuned, and spread the word.” 

Bill Appleton Bill Appleton
CEO & co-founder, DreamFactory Software

DreamFactory saw enormous growth and widespread adoption in 2015. We launched two major products, DreamFactory 2.0 and DreamFactory Enterprise. We worked with Intel to simplify IoT development, Verizon to make it easier for developers to start and migrate workloads in the cloud, and AppGyver to instantly mobilize legacy data within their rapid, visual mobile development framework. Through our partnerhip with Bitnami DreamFactory can run on additional clouds. 2015 also saw the debut of DreamFactory packaged as a Docker container.

Our open source stack expanded by embracing Laravel and by bundling MongoDB andSQlite into the base distro, giving users additional immediate storage options. We use the open source ELK stack in DreamFactory Enterprise. We also released new quickstart sample apps for JavaScript, AngularJS, iOS, Android, .NET, and Titanium.

DreamFactory has a new service type that converts legacy SOAP services to REST. We also implemented the ability to create Swagger definitions for custom services. Importantly, our new Data Mesh capability allows you to create joins between any fields across multiple databases. Blogs and videos are on the way, or contact support if you want to learn more.

A renewed focus on the thriving DreamFactory community has yielded a bright and enthusiastic group of users as well as loyal support to our existing base. We’ve expanded our presence worldwide with jaunts to events in Tokyo, Bangalore, London, Berlin, Portland, Santa Clara, Riga and more

Jessica Rose spoke about DreamFactory’s place in the open source ecosystem at the first meeting of the Kyoto Open Source meetup at Kyoto University. This English language meetup was put together by professor Shoji Kajita to bridge the gap between Japanese developers and the global open source community.

Early investment in the next generation of developers has been seeded with sponsorship and participation at HackKings London. 150 student hackers were given a range of technologies and 24 hours to create working prototypes of their best ideas. The prize for best use of DreamFactory integration went to the Music TV team who created a beautiful hack designed at making music in public spaces less horrible.

We added new Support Subscriptions for professional support and peace of mind in development and production. These address a wide variety of user scenarios and augment the rich community support options already available.

We look forward to an amazing 2016 to hearing how you're using DreamFactory to build what's next. Thank you all for your generous feedback and support.

The DreamFactory Team

DreamFactory 2.0

DreamFactory 2.0 is the second generation release of DreamFactory, providing users with major enhancements to security, API customizability, performance, modularity, and scalability.

DreamFactory Enterprise

DreamFactory Enterprise is a new product that makes it easy to provision, manage, and report on multiple DreamFactory instances across the development lifecycle--all from a single management platform.

Tuts, hacks, and scrips

Using DreamFactory 2.0 with OAuth services

Combining Multiple Data Sources In One API With DreamFactory

Running DreamFactory as a Docker Container

Creating a Data Manager with AngularJS + DreamFactory

How to connect to a MySQL database with JavaScript

DreamFactory Active Directory authentication over LDAP

iOS SDK 101

Android SDK

Scaling DreamFactory for High-Volume Deployments

How To Securely Mobilize Data Using a REST API Backend

.NET SDK for DreamFactory API

Adding a Remote Web Service to Your DSP

Tutorial: Angular + REST Made Simple

Installing DreamFactory On Nginx Server

Noteworthy blog posts you may have missed

Twitter highlights from @dfsoftwareinc 

 Important Slack convo of the year

jess Did anyone in Atlanta ever eat any of those weird Twinkies?




I think Lee did



Did he survive? I was pretty suspicious of them.



I just tried one. It tasted like regret.



That's kind of the best you could hope for. The pumpkin spice beer tastes like sick. Do we Americans use sick as a noun? We should. It's ace.



The Twinkies taste like childhood.  You know what tastes like regret?  The organic, gluten-free, wheat grass and goat cheese infused cookie I had in CA.  It unclogged my arteries, but I suddenly found myself buying Birkenstocks.  As a southerner I was ashamed.



This channel promises to be the best channel. I'm currently in transit and the airport background music is pleasingly much swearier hip hop than I've been led to expect in public spaces.






@tom but did you try the pumpkin spice twinkies. they were terrible



No even I, a former paratrooper and red meat eating southerner, was afraid of the pumpkin spice ones.



I bet they tasted like a candle. Or some weird, overwrought type of lotion you get from the mall.



good guess. eerily accurate



I've done my research and made my mistakes with novelty sweets



But have you had a Moon Pie? I want this t-shirt now.



eh, just bought said t-shirt



i think we need some moonpie company swag



I want to get swag ramen cups for hacks But omg. Moon pies.



creates channel #FoodSwag



Holler if y'all want any thing from here or Japan or Latvia.






@tomappleton: no more cookies for you



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