Connecting your DSP to External File Storage

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Sometimes your application needs to access to external file repositories.  We’ve added a super simple way to communicate with Amazon S3 and Windows Azure Blob Storage by setting up a Remote File Service.

In this short tutorial, we’ll show you how to quickly set up a Remote File Service.

First log into your DreamFactory Services Platform (or “DSP” for short). If you don’t have a DreamFactory account, you can sign up for one here.

Set Up a Remote File Service in 60 Seconds

Once you’re in the DSP Admin Console, click on the Services menu. Then click on the “Create New Service”

DSP services menu

Then enter information about the service.

  1. In the Type dropdown select “Remote File Storage.”
  2. Enter a Service Name. The Service Name will be displayed in the Admin Console. You can edit the service later after you’ve created it.
  3. Enter an API Name. The API Name will be used when making REST calls within the DSP.
  4. Enter a Description of the service (optional).
  5. In the Storage Name field enter the folder name where your content is located on either Amazon S3 or Windows Azure.
  6. In the Storage Type dropdown, select either Amazon S3 or Windows Azure. See the directions below for adding your S3 or Azure key credentials.
  7. Check the Active box to enable the service.

Amazon S3 Users: Add Your Amazon S3 Keys

For Amazon S3 you’ll need to provide your Access Key and Secret Key.

Amazon S3

You can find these values by logging into your AWS account and selecting Security Credentials from the My Account / Console dropdown menu.

AWS security credentials

Windows Azure Users: Add Your Windows Azure Access Keys

Windows Azure Storage requires an Account Name and Account Key.

Windows Azure

You can find these values in the Windows Azure Portal.  Once you’ve logged into your portal, select the Storage menu item, then select Manage Access Keys on the bottom of the screen.  Then copy the Storage Account Name and Primary Access Key into the Account Name and Account Key fields in your DSP.

windows azure portal
DSP access keys

Now Test Your Connection!

Now it’s time to test your connection to remote file storage. Select the Manage Files menu item in the Admin Console.  You will now see a new entry for the DSP service name you just created.

DSP admin console

Double click on the service name to view your remote files.

DSP remote files

And you’re done! Now your application can access all the remote files located in the specified Amazon S3 or Windows Azure folder.

Learn More

For more information on DreamFactory Services Platform or to set up your own Free DSP visit