MySQL, Services, REST, Data Sources, API

How to Create a MySQL REST API in 6 Easy Steps

DreamFactory can generate REST APIs for 18 databases, among them MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB.


by Terence Bennett • June 17, 2024

MySQL, Services, REST, API Automation, Data Sources, API Management, Microsoft SQL Server, Authentication, API

Creating a Microsoft SQL Server API in Less Than 5 minutes with DreamFactory

by Kevin McGahey • February 19, 2024

MySQL, Services, JavaScript, REST, DreamFactory, Data Sources, BaaS

How to Connect to a MySQL Database with JavaScript in a Few Steps

by Kevin McGahey • October 3, 2023

MySQL, Query, Services, Related Data, Data Sources, API, JOINs

Executing SQL Joins in REST APIs Using DreamFactory

by Jason Gilmore • September 16, 2020

MySQL, security, Data Sources, privileges

Improved Data Security with MySQL Privileges and DreamFactory

by Jason Gilmore • October 25, 2018

MySQL, Services, DreamFactory, Data Sources, Bitnami, Platform, Database

Learning About The Bitnami System Database | Dreamfactory

by Kevin McGahey • October 16, 2018