Build an app using DreamFactory Services Platform | Dreamfactory

Table of contents

The best way to start learning about how to use DreamFactory is to jump right in and build an application! Before you get going, it’s really helpful to have an example app as a concrete starting point.

Todd Appleton, senior engineer in our Atlanta office, just put together a great To Do List screencast. Todd introduces a bunch of important concepts in a simple To Do list app built with HTML, Javascript (AngularJS), and a few simple lines of CSS.

There’s a lot of information packed into this short screencast. You’ll learn how to:

  • Import an application from GitHub
  • Browse application source code with the DSP file manager
  • Create database schema for your app
  • Perform basic CRUD operations with REST and JSON
  • Package your application for use in any DSP
describe the image

After this primer, you’ll have enough knowledge to start building your own application. Also be sure to check out more screencasts and explore the developer documentation.