Top 10 Microservices Benefits

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Many companies have embarked on microservices software projects in an effort to make modernize their suite of technology systems and reap the benefits that can come from deploying such an architecture. In the microservices model, applications are divided into a series of interconnected services based on operational capabilities. Each service supports a distinct set of functionality, effectively acting as a mini-application with its own operational logic, adapters, and even database schema. Services can be bundled in various ways, with the sum of their components acting as a new product. 

However, while microservices can help enterprises propel legacy applications into the modern era, managing such a dynamic environment composed of so many moving parts is a complex task. In this article we'll examine the top 10 benefits of microservices and how adopting a microservices architecture may be the future of your technology stack.

1. Speed

A microservice must be able to offer new features. You can simultaneously modify a system component, test it and use it in production. This is a much faster and more agile way to develop new features for a software. Microservices offer a great opportunity for parallelism, so any task can be divided over many CPUs/cores and operate with a much larger overall throughput. 

2. Using Tools that are Right for the Job

Because of the isolation and independence of microservices, individual services can be multilingual in terms of programming language, which offers the possibility to use 'the right tool for the job.' This also allows implementation languages to be changed to accommodate changing demands and technology. This concept also extends to data centers, allowing microservices to have their own databases in a format that best suits their needs.

3. Dynamism and Flexibility

Microservices offer more dynamism. This means that cloud usage can be scaled up or down depending on the application load. With microservices, companies can implement a much more flexible system compared to individual services.

4. Encapsulation

The benefits of microservices are similar to the results of objects and services that communicate via well-defined interfaces. It is a good way to design the code and class, but also at the systemic level, making the system constituents simpler and easier to master. This makes them reusable.

5. Resilience

Microservices, as well as the way they are approached, offer more resilience, especially when companies are putting more demands on systems. This balances the degree of load. There are proven microservices resiliency patterns that boost fault-tolerance and enable applications to handle failures gracefully, such as Retry, Circuit Breaker, and Correlation ID

6. Faster Time to Market

Because development cycles are shorter, the microservices architecture allows for more agile deployments and upgrades. Development teams can rapidly create or update microservices and integrate them into the architecture, as well as quickly deploying them as a minimum viable product (MVP) since they also support the CI/CD/CD development paradigm. 

7. High Scalability

As demand for certain services increases, you can scale deployments across multiple servers and infrastructures to meet your needs.

8. Ease of Deployment

Microservice-based applications are more modular and lightweight than traditional monolithic applications. As a result, you can deploy them with more confidence. Sure, it requires better coordination, but the benefits can be enormous.

9. Open

With APIs that use multiple languages, developers have the freedom to choose the technology and language that best suits each function.

10. Accessibility

Because the application is broken down into multiple components, developers can more easily understand, update, and enhance each component. This results in shorter development cycles, especially when combined with agile development methods.

Bonus: Reduced Downtime

Because microservices are independent, when one component fails or encounters a problem, the entire application keeps working, unlike monolithic applications. It is also easier to identify and resolve a failure in this type of ecosystem. Microservices allow companies to further align their IT structure with the specifics of their business and tame the monolithic beast. This is critical in today's environment, where companies must be ready to develop, test, integrate, and deliver customer-requested applications not just when they can afford to do so but continuously and in near real-time. 

The adoption of microservices enables enterprises to gain agility and reduce costs through the inherent granularity and reusability of the elements that make up a microservice. With a multitude of supporting technologies and ideologies, the concept of microservice-based architectures has become a reality for enterprises of all sizes, optimizing the agility and efficiency of application development and deployment like never before.

Microservices and DreamFactory

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Related reading:

What is a Microservice? What You Need to Know