TECHeGO partners with DreamFactory to launch ERP platform

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After 8 engineers worked for a year on an in-house ERP platform, TECHeGO found themselves at a critical junction. They faced another 10 months of development to launch and the clock was ticking. That’s when CEO and Enterprise Architect Seth Helgeson discovered DreamFactory.

“We came across DreamFactory in January of 2016 and were ecstatic to learn that it already had a lot of the components we were looking to incorporate and leverage with our products. We were able to skip the extended development cycle because DreamFactory had the API endpoints integrated, had the capabilities we were looking for, and had a lot of the security measures we were going to need. We were able to scrap some code we didn’t need, and save a good year on the development cycle to begin implementing our solution,” says Helgeson.

TECHeGO was able to build out a rich ERP platform, called Hoist, allowing users to quickly and efficiently connect business platforms. Hoist also has an app marketplace, allowing applications to leverage these connections. AVA is one of these applications, which allows users to take advantage of the connections made in their free Hoist instance to design dynamic automations that can trigger data transactions and many other activities from one connected platform to another. All of this made possible by leveraging the DreamFactory core functionality. They have a number of other applications on the drawing board as well which take advantage of the same technology.

AVA is an intelligent assistant, built as an extension of Hoist and DreamFactory. Using patent pending AI technology, AVA enables automation and process connections without custom coding. It also continuously monitors the platform for additions or changes to the APIs and updates the Swagger docs accordingly.

This flexibility and the open source nature of DreamFactory have been a core part of the platform since it’s inception. We’re very impressed with what TECHeGO has done with DreamFactory and are proud to call them a partner.

For more information on the partnership, check out the official press release and recently released case study. Check out our Partners page to learn more about the Velocity Partner Program.