DreamFactory 1.9.0 Has Shipped!

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Hi folks, we've been busy cranking on the DreamFactory 1.9.0 release and after many long nights we're happy to announce....drumroll please....1.9.0 is live! Here's a quick round up of new features in the 1.9.0 release. Head on over to Bitnami to install DreamFactory 1.9.0 on your server of choice or grab it from GitHub.

Read more about the latest DreamFactory software.

Push notification via AWS SNS can be configured as a service

DreamFactory now supports push notifications using Amazon’s Simple Notification Service (SNS).  Notifications can be sent to any endpoint supported by SNS. This includes iOS, Android, email, and HTTP endpoints. Your application can use the DreamFactory REST API to perform many actions related to push such as creating and managing topics, subscribing to topics, and publishing to topics.  All you have to do is add push as a service on your DSP, much like you would for S3 or other AWS services.  After that you can use the API Docs in your DSP admin console to explore and test out your new push service, or make the REST calls directly from your own app.

Date-Time formatting options for all SQL DB services

You can now configure the default date and datetime formats to be returned by REST calls when accessing a SQL DB service. This is a setting in your DSP’s config/common.config.php file. It’s very flexible and supports a wide range of formatting options. Details are available at


Basic HTTP Authentication now supported per API call

We now support including user credentials in each API call using Basic HTTP Authentication, either as part of the URL (e.g. https://user:password@server) or in a standard Basic Authentication header.  These will be picked up by the DSP’s server code and used to create a new session each time a call is made. See the details at


Capability to send expressions for field values on SQL DB Services

Many databases allow using expressions to modify data rather than setting values explicitly. Examples would be using NOW() for the current time or "times_updated + 1” to increment the value of the ‘times_updated’ field. Details and examples can be found at


‘Requestor’ flags to control access to services from API and server-side scripting

You can configure a role to allow access to a service from the API, from server-side scripts, or from both. This is useful when a server side-script needs access to functionality that you don’t want users to have access to via the API. For example, you could have server-side script that creates an entry in a Log table when a new Contact record is created.  The role would allow API access on the Contact table, and script access on the Log table.  With this setup the user creating the Contact records has no ability to access the Log table via the API, but the Log records can be created indirectly by the server-side script.

Checkbox for passing header values through to the remote web service

When making a call to a remote web service, the behavior prior to this release was to not pass header values from the client on to the remote service. Starting with the 1.9.0 release you can set a flag named “Pass From Client” for each header value to determine whether it is passed on to the remote web service.

New user interface

The UI has been updated for easier navigation. Let us know what you think!


Read more about DreamFactory 1.9

