DreamFactory 4.8.0 Released

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Break out the party hats, DreamFactory 4.8.0 has been released!

This release focuses on user experience, notably with regards to database API generation. The most popular database connectors (MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, and Oracle) have long included a lengthy list of options, and it hasn't been obvious which are required and which are optional. To remedy this we've broken the service creation form into three sections: Basic, Caching, and Optional Advanced Settings.

Additionally, because the Services tab is the natural first tab new users should be clicking on after logging in, we've moved the tab to the second position in the navigational bar directly following the Home tab.

In upcoming releases users will see a stream of additional UX improvements intended to more effectively guide new users through the API generation process. Notably, for most basic use cases the administrator completes three tasks: generate the API, create a role-based access control (RBAC), and then associate the RBAC with a newly generated API key. Therefore after successful API generation users will be presented with a new view enumerating typical next steps. We're also working on improving the service profile detail page, providing admins with a link list taking them directly to the service's relevant other administrative features, such as API Docs and associated roles.

Head over to GitHub to download the latest release!