DreamFactory 4.4 Released

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We're pleased to announce the release of DreamFactory 4.4! Our releases tend to be thematic, and 4.4 focuses on big data. Four new connectors are now available to commercially licensed enterprise users, including:

  • Snowflake: Snowflake is a cloud-based data data warehouse that competes with solutions such as Amazon Redshift and Google BigQuery. Managed on brand-name cloud providers including AWS and Azure, Snowflake can quickly be scaled and serviced with little involvement on behalf of your internal IT team. At DreamFactory we've seen a pretty significant uptake in Snowflake interest over the past 12 months, and created this connector by request of some of our largest clients.
  • Hadoop HDFS: The release of Apache Hadoop back in 2006 gave many businesses their first real opportunity to grapple with their "big data" problems. 15 years later the project is still going strong, with Stackshare reporting its use within companies such as Uber, Netflix, and Slack.
  • Apache Hive: Built atop Apache Hadoop, Apache Hive offers a SQL-based interface for querying large datasets that might otherwise be very inefficiently accessed using traditional relational databases.
  • Heroku SSO: Although not related to the aforementioned big data connectors, this new connector is every bit of exciting because it's used in conjunction with our recently launched DreamFactory Heroku Add-on. While DreamFactory administrators can't (yet) use it to authenticate Heroku accounts against APIs, users of our hosted DreamFactory environment will see it listed in the Services manager, as it's responsible for bridging DreamFactory administrator accounts with Heroku.

If you'd like to give any of these features a test drive, please contact our sales team at sales@dreamfactory.com to arrange for a free 14 day trial! If you're an existing client please contact your account executive to make arrangements!