New DreamFactory 2.0 Tutorial Videos

Table of contents

A lot of people like watching quick screencasts to get up to speed on the basics of a product. We just made a bunch of videos on DreamFactory 2.0 Admin Console that introduce the basics of the product. We've also made some new videos on how to use DreamFactory 2.0 for common use cases, including how to use the REST API for MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB, and remote web services. Stay tuned for more videos over the coming weeks, including how to add custom services, use event scripts, connect multiple databases with our new "data mesh" feature, connect to any SOAP service with REST, and more!

Here are some good videos to check out. Head on over to the DreamFactory docs for a full list of videos.

We'll be adding more videos soon, so check back often. And feel free to let us know what types of videos you'd like to see in the comments. Or make a video tutorial yourself and let us know, so we can post it on the DreamFactory YouTube Channel!

DreamFactory 2.0 Overview


How to Use the Services Tab



 How to Use the API Docs Tab



How to Use the Scripts Tab



How to Use the MySQL REST API


How to Use the MongoDB REST API
How to Use Data Mesh (Virtual Foreign Keys)