Calling other APIs with DreamFactory

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Integrating and calling other APIs is an important step in the development process. APIs allow different systems to communicate and share data, enabling developers to build more dynamic and feature-rich applications. Whether it's accessing third-party services, aggregating data from multiple sources, or automating workflows, the ability to effectively integrate and call other APIs is a key component of a successful software strategy.

DreamFactory is an API generation tool that facilitates this process by providing a unified platform for managing and calling external APIs. It handles the complexities of authentication, request formatting, and response parsing.

Here’s a quick rundown about what this article will cover: 

  • DreamFactory simplifies the process of calling and integrating external APIs, handling complexities like authentication, request formatting, and response parsing.
  • The platform supports rate limiting and throttling to manage API traffic and protect backend resources.
  • DreamFactory’s scripting engine allows for automation, data transformation, and enhanced security within API workflows.
  • Best practices for API security include using HTTPS, role-based access control, OAuth, and JWT for secure authentication and authorization.
  • The platform's architecture supports scalability, allowing it to handle increased traffic and larger datasets, and integrates seamlessly with other tools and services.

High Level DreamFactory Overview

DreamFactory is like the Swiss Army knife of API management. It helps you generate REST APIs for a bunch of different data sources without a lot of hassle.

Here's a quick rundown:

  • REST API Generation: DreamFactory automatically creates REST APIs for your data. No need to write code from scratch. Just plug in your data source, and DreamFactory handles the rest.
  • Supported Data Sources: This platform can connect to almost anything - SQL databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL, NoSQL databases like MongoDB, cloud storage services like AWS S3, and even other APIs. If you've got data, DreamFactory can probably connect to it.
  • Architecture and Key Components: DreamFactory is built on a solid stack. It's an HTTP-based app using the Laravel framework with an Angular front end for the admin console. It supports multiple system databases (MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite) for storing configuration settings. The architecture is n-tier, so you can scale and secure the presentation, logic, and data layers separately. Typically, it runs in Docker containers managed by Kubernetes, often hosted in environments like Azure Government for added security.

Setting Up DreamFactory


  • Download DreamFactory from either our Github repository or from one of our engineers.
  • Install Docker and Docker Compose if not already installed.
  • Run the provided Docker installation script to set up DreamFactory.

Initial Configuration

  • Access DreamFactory via your web browser at http://localhost:8080.
  • Create an admin account when prompted.
  • Configure system settings, such as email server details, from the "Admin" tab.
  • Add data sources like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB under the "Services" tab.
  • Set up user roles and permissions in the "Roles" tab.

DreamFactory Interface Overview

  • Dashboard: View system status and recent activity.
  • Services: Manage and configure API services.
  • Users: Handle user accounts and authentication methods.
  • Roles: Define and assign roles and permissions.
  • Scripts: Add custom server-side scripts for extended API functionality.
  • API Docs: Explore and test APIs with automatically generated documentation.
  • Admin: Access system settings and logging configurations.
  • Logs: Monitor and troubleshoot with detailed logs of API requests and system activities.

Of course, this is a super high level explanation of setting up DreamFactory. If you’d like to get more granular, feel free to book a call with one of our engineers here!

Calling Other APIs in DreamFactory

DreamFactory makes it simple to integrate and call other APIs, providing a unified interface to manage and interact with various external services. Here's how you can leverage DreamFactory to call other APIs effectively:

Service Creation for External APIs



  1. Define a New Service
    • In the DreamFactory interface, navigate to the "API Generation" tab and then under “API Types” select “Network”
    • Press the ‘+’ button, then select “HTTP Service” to define a new service that will call an external API.
  1. Configure the Service
    • Enter the necessary details, such as the service name, base URL of the external API, and authentication method (if required).
    • Save the configuration to make the service available.

Setting Up API Requests

  1. Endpoints and Parameters
    • Define the endpoints you need to call within the external API. This can be done by specifying paths and parameters directly in DreamFactory.
    • Customize headers, query parameters, and request bodies as needed to match the external API’s requirements.
  2. Authentication
    • Configure authentication methods such as API keys, OAuth, or Basic Auth within the service settings. DreamFactory supports various authentication mechanisms to securely connect to external APIs.

Response Handling

  1. Transform and Process Data
    • Use DreamFactory’s scripting capabilities to transform API responses. For example, you can write server-side scripts in Node.js or Python to parse JSON responses, handle errors, and format data before it’s returned to your application.
  2. Error Handling
    • Set up robust error handling to manage issues such as network failures or invalid responses. DreamFactory allows you to define custom error messages and fallback mechanisms to ensure reliability.

Advanced Features

  1. Combining Multiple API Calls
    • DreamFactory enables you to combine responses from multiple APIs into a single endpoint. Use scripting to aggregate data from various sources, creating a unified response for your application.
  2. Scheduling and Automation
    • Automate API calls using DreamFactory’s scheduling features. Schedule tasks to run at specific intervals, automate data fetching, or trigger workflows based on events.


Calling other APIs with DreamFactory takes the complexity out of integrating various services, making it straightforward and efficient. With DreamFactory, you get a single platform that handles everything from authentication to data transformation, allowing you to focus on building great applications. Whether you’re connecting to third-party APIs or combining multiple data sources, DreamFactory simplifies the process, ensuring your integrations are secure, reliable, and easy to manage. Give it a try, and see how much smoother your API interactions can be!