API World Conference 2021: Learn Best Practices @ the API Design & Development Track

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Join us at the all-virtual API World Conference, held October 26-28 2021, where DreamFactory will be hosting an exhibitor booth over the course of the conference. As one of many high quality sponsors, this year's conference will provide an opportunity for API, development and integration professionals to come together and share their knowledge about emerging trends in API, Microservices and AI. This year's conference will also have particular focus on API design and development with a specific track devoted to this topic.

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Generate a full-featured,documented, and secure REST API in minutes.

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About API World Conference

The API World Conference and Expo was created with the mission to be neutral and facilitate connections, knowledge, trust and business within the developer community of API providers and consumers. If you are a coder, a startup or an enterprise that consumes or provides multiple APIs this is your event.

About the API Design & Development Track

The API Design & Development Track will focus on understanding that with a majority of APIs failing or needing to be refactored/ versioned within their first couple of years, proper API Design and Architecture is critical to ensuring your API not only meets your users needs, but is efficient enough to scale affordably to meet their increasing demands. This means going far beyond CRUD and resource implementation and in-depth into proper API design as well as understanding performance requirements and framework tuning.

API Design & Development Speakers:

This year's API Design & Development experts includes:

  • Mourad Cherfaoui — Cloud Solutions Architect, Intel
  • Tanya Vlahovic — Head of Developer Ecosystem & Distinguished Architect, eBay
  • Morris Matsa — API Gateway Lead, API Connect and DataPower Gateways, IBM
  • Kirsten Hunter — Developer Advocate, DataStax
  • Viktor Gamov — Principal Developer Advocate, Kong
  • Kyle Fowler — Director of the Developer and Consumer Experience Team, Foursquare

DreamFactory Hosted Trial Signup

Generate a full-featured,documented, and secure REST API in minutes.

Sign up for our free 14 day hosted trial to learn how.

About DreamFactory

Managing an API can be difficult, particularly when you do not have experience in coding and software development. Are you looking for solutions that are low and no code to help you manage your APIs? DreamFactory is an API generation platform that’s perfectly suited to help your business launch APIs that secure your data and help you use it to develop insights to propel your business growth. DreamFactory provides a comprehensive API management solution that generates, secures, documents and deploys all of your APIs in a single consolidated platform.

We can help you build your API in minutes. Sign up for a 14-day free trial and get started with your APIs today. Custom-made for your best use.

More from DreamFactory:

Join Us at API World Conference 2021: 26-28 October