7 Reasons to Use an API for Video Delivery | Dreamfactory

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API logo showing reasons to use an API for video delivery.

Video delivery is more complex than ever. OTT providers need to ensure a quality experience for their customers while also delivering video that meets the expectations of advertisers. This can be a challenge, but using an API for video delivery can help make it easier. 

An API for video delivery can help you manage your content more effectively and deliver it to the right people at the right time. It can also help you keep track of who is watching your video and how they are interacting with it. This information can be used to improve your video delivery strategy and make sure that your customers are getting the best possible experience.

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Here are seven reasons why you should use an API for video delivery:

1. APIs make it possible to deliver video content in a variety of ways. 

APIs have made it possible to deliver video content in a variety of ways, including through srt files. These files are simple text-based files that contain information about the timing and format of the video content. By using srt files, you can easily control how your videos are presented to your audience, with options for things like subtitles and different playback speeds. 

Additionally, APIs open the door to include video content in your application and website, which provides an excellent way of engaging with potential customers. Plus, by using video APIs, you can easily track how your videos are being used and who is watching them. This data can be extremely valuable for marketing and understanding your audience.

2. They allow for more control and customization over the delivery process. 

The days of relying on a video delivery service to handle all aspects of video playback are gone. APIs allow developers to have more control over the process, resulting in faster load times, and a better overall user experience. Bypassing the need for a middleman means that videos can be delivered directly to users, improving both the quality and speed of playback. 

Additionally, APIs offer more customization options for developers. They can be used to create unique experiences that are tailored to the specific needs of their users. For example, a video streaming service could use an API to allow users to choose between different qualities of video based on their connection speed. This would ensure that everyone has a smooth viewing experience, regardless of their internet speed or device. 

3. APIs can provide enhanced security for video content. 

In this day and age, almost any type of business can benefit from using video content as part of its marketing and communications strategies. However, businesses that rely on video delivery for their operations need to be aware of the inherent security risks involved in transmitting and storing this sensitive information. 

Fortunately, there are various ways to mitigate these risks, including through the use of APIs. Bypassing the public internet altogether, APIs can provide a more secure means of delivering video content while still enabling third-party integration. This can be beneficial for both enterprises and service providers alike. In fact, some API providers are already starting to offer video delivery services as part of their suite of offerings. So if you're looking for a more secure way to deliver your videos, it's definitely worth considering an API-based solution.

4. They help ensure that videos are delivered in an optimal format. 

We all know that video is a powerful medium for content marketing and communication. But what you may not know is that how your video is delivered – the format in which it’s sent – can have a significant impact on its effectiveness. That’s where APIs come in. An API (application programming interface) can help ensure your video is delivered in the most optimal format, guaranteeing its quality and resulting in a better user experience.

5. APIs can offer expanded access to video content. 

As the use of streaming services continues to grow, so does the demand for video content. More and more people are wanting to watch their favorite shows and movies whenever and wherever they want. This means that providers of streaming services need to find ways to offer their customers more access to video content.

One way that they can do this is by using APIs to offer expanded access to their video content. By using APIs, providers can offer their customers more flexibility in how they access and view video content. For example, an API could allow a customer to view a list of all the available episodes of a show, or it could allow them to search for specific types of content, like a movie or short video clip.

6. They provide a way to track and manage video delivery. 

APIs are a powerful tool that can help you track and manage your video delivery. They provide an easy way to collect, store, and retrieve data, and they can give you insights into how your videos are being used, so that you can optimize your delivery strategy. With APIs, you can also automate tasks, such as checking for delivery errors or sending notifications when new videos are published. And because APIs are standardized and widely available, they can be used with a wide variety of platforms and devices.

7. APIs can help reduce the overall cost of delivering video content. 

Yes, APIs can help reduce the overall cost of delivering video content. By automating key processes and tasks, APIs can free up time and resources that can be spent on more strategic pursuits. They also make it easier to build and scale new products and workflows, which ultimately reduces the time and money spent on development. 

API-driven video content delivery can save companies time and money. For example, by using an API to automatically transcribe and index videos, companies can eliminate the need for manual review, saving time and resources that can be better spent on other endeavors.

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Getting Started with DreamFactory

Delivering video content can be a complex process, but using an API can make it easier. By taking advantage of the many benefits that APIs offer, you can streamline your video delivery and improve your end user’s experience. Are you ready to try an API for video delivery? Get started today with a 14 day free trial!

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This post was submitted by Mariel Montoya from VEED. If you'd like to submit a post to the DreamFactory Blog, reach out to me at spencer.nguyen@dreamfactory.com!