What is Idempotency?

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Idempotent operations produce the same result even when the operation is repeated many times. The result of the 2nd, 3rd, and 1,000th repeat of the operation will return exactly the same result as the 1st time. In this post, we will demystify the concept of idempotency—a fundamental property that ensures consistency, predictability, and reliability in APIs and distributed systems. Join us as we unravel the importance of idempotency, its implications, and best practices to implement it in your own systems, paving the way for more robust and user-friendly applications.

Here's the main facts you need to know about idempotency:

  • Idempotency is a property of operations or API requests that ensures repeating the operation multiple times produces the same result as executing it once.
  • Safe methods are idempotent but not all idempotent methods are safe.
  • HTTP methods like GET, HEAD, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, and TRACE are idempotent, while POST and PATCH are generally non-idempotent.
  • Understanding and leveraging the idempotent nature of HTTP methods helps create more consistent, reliable, and predictable web applications and APIs.
  • Most HTTP methods used in REST APIs are idempotent, except for POST, and following REST principles can ensure proper usage of idempotent methods.

What is Idempotency?

Idempotency is a property of certain operations or API requests, which guarantees that performing the operation multiple times will yield the same result as if it was executed only once. This principle is especially vital in distributed systems and APIs, as it helps maintain consistency and predictability in situations such as network issues, request retries, or duplicated requests.

Idempotency is a crucial property of certain operations or API requests that guarantees consistent outcomes, regardless of the number of times an operation is performed. This principle simplifies error handling, concurrency management, debugging, and monitoring, while also enhancing the overall user experience.

For example, simple mathematical examples of idempotency include:

x + 0;

x = 5;

In the first example, adding zero will never change the result, regardless of how many times you do it. In the second, x is always 5. Again, this is the case, regardless of how many times you perform the operation. Both of these examples describe an operation that is idempotent.

Why is Idempotency Important?

Idempotency is important in APIs because a resource may be called multiple times if the network is interrupted. In this scenario, non-idempotent operations can cause significant unintended side-effects by creating additional resources or changing them unexpectedly. When a business relies on the accuracy of its data, non-idempotency posts a significant risk. 

Imagine a scenario where an API facilitates monetary transactions between accounts. A user sends a request to transfer $100 from Account A to Account B. Due to network latency or other factors, the request is unintentionally duplicated. Without idempotency, the API would process both requests, resulting in an unintended transfer of $200. However, if the operation is idempotent, only one transfer of $100 will occur, regardless of the number of duplicate requests.

Idempotency is crucial for ensuring the following:

  1. Consistency: The system maintains a predictable state, even when faced with request duplication or retries.
  2. Error Handling: Idempotent operations simplify error handling, as clients can safely retry requests without the risk of unintended side effects.
  3. Fault Tolerance: Idempotent APIs can better cope with network issues and other disruptions, ensuring a more reliable user experience.

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Idempotent vs. Safe

The concepts of 'idempotent methods' and 'safe methods' are often confused. A safe method does not change the value that is returned, it reads - but it never writes. Going back to our previous examples:

x + 0;

x = 5;

The first of these, adding zero, will return the same value every time (it is idempotent), and adding zero will have no effect on that value (it is also safe). The second example will return the same value every time (it is idempotent) but is not safe (if x is anything other than 5 before the operation runs, it changes x).

Therefore, all safe methods are idempotent, but not all idempotent methods are safe.

Idempotent Methods in REST

REST APIs use HTTP methods such as POST, PUT, and GET to interact with resources such as an image, customer name, or document. When using an idempotent method, the method can be called multiple times without changing the result.

For example, using GET, an API can retrieve a REST resource. This has no effect on the resource and can be repeated over and over - it is both idempotent and safe.

HTTP Methods

HTTP methods, or verbs, are the actions used to interact with resources in web-based systems, defining the type of operation a client wants to perform. Idempotency is an important property of some HTTP methods, ensuring that executing the same request multiple times produces the same result as if it was performed only once. GET, HEAD, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, and TRACE are idempotent methods, meaning they are safe to be retried or executed multiple times without causing unintended side effects. In contrast, POST and PATCH are generally considered non-idempotent, as their outcomes may vary with each request. Understanding and leveraging the idempotent nature of specific HTTP methods helps developers create more consistent, reliable, and predictable web applications and APIs.

Here are the HTTP methods and whether each one is idempotent or not.


POST is an HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) method used to submit data to a specified resource, typically for creating or updating content on a server. It is often employed when submitting form data, uploading files, or sending JSON payloads to an API. Unlike other HTTP methods like GET, PUT, or DELETE, POST is not inherently idempotent. This means that sending the same POST request multiple times can result in different outcomes or create multiple instances of the submitted data.

Consequently, developers need to be cautious when handling POST requests, implementing mechanisms such as idempotency keys or other safeguards to prevent unintended side effects in cases where duplicate requests are submitted or retried.


The GET method is one of the fundamental HTTP methods used to request data from a specific resource on the web. When a client sends a GET request to a server, it is asking the server to retrieve and return the information associated with the specified resource, such as a webpage, image, or document. GET requests are designed to be read-only, meaning they should not modify the state of the resource or cause any side effects on the server.

Due to their read-only nature, GET requests are considered idempotent. This means that making multiple identical GET requests to the same resource will yield the same result without causing any additional changes, ensuring consistency and predictability in web-based applications and services.


The HEAD method in HTTP is a request method used to retrieve metadata about a specific resource without actually downloading the resource's content. Similar to the GET method, the HEAD method is used to request information about a resource, but it only returns the HTTP headers, which include information such as content type, content length, and last modification date. This method is particularly useful when clients want to check if a resource exists or retrieve its metadata without incurring the cost of downloading the entire resource.

The HEAD method is idempotent, meaning that multiple requests using HEAD on the same resource will yield the same outcome without any side effects. Consequently, it is safe to perform HEAD requests multiple times without affecting the state of the resource or the server.


PUT is an HTTP method used to update or replace an existing resource on the server with new data provided by the client. The request includes a unique identifier, such as a URI, which the server uses to locate the target resource. The client also provides a payload, containing the updated data to be applied to the resource. As an HTTP method, PUT is inherently idempotent. This means that making multiple identical PUT requests will have the same effect as making a single request. If a resource already exists at the specified URI, the server will replace it with the new data. If the resource does not exist, the server may create it, depending on the implementation.

The idempotent nature of PUT ensures consistency and predictability in the face of network issues or duplicate requests, making it well-suited for updating resources in a distributed system.


PATCH is an HTTP method used for partially updating resources on a server. Unlike PUT, which typically requires the client to send a complete representation of the resource, PATCH allows clients to send only the changes that need to be applied. This makes it more efficient for updating specific attributes or elements of a resource without affecting the rest of the data. The idempotency of PATCH depends on the implementation and the semantics of the operation.

While PATCH can be idempotent if the changes are applied in a consistent and deterministic manner, it is not inherently idempotent like GET, PUT, and DELETE. In practice, PATCH can be made idempotent by carefully designing the API and the underlying operations, ensuring that repeated PATCH requests yield the same outcome as a single request.


DELETE is an HTTP method used to remove a specified resource from a server. It is part of the HTTP/1.1 standard and allows clients to request the deletion of a resource identified by a specific Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). When a DELETE request is successfully processed, the server typically responds with a 204 No Content status code, indicating that the resource has been removed. The DELETE method is considered idempotent, as performing the same request multiple times results in the same outcome. After the initial successful deletion, any subsequent DELETE requests to the same URI should have no additional effect on the server's state, since the resource is no longer present.

This idempotent nature ensures consistency and predictability, making the DELETE method a reliable choice for managing resource deletion in APIs and web services.


TRACE is an HTTP method that allows clients to retrieve a diagnostic representation of the request and response messages for a specific resource on the server. When a client sends a TRACE request, the server returns the entire HTTP request, including headers, as the response body. This method is primarily used for debugging purposes, enabling developers to examine and diagnose potential issues in the request and response cycle.

TRACE is considered idempotent because, by design, it does not alter the resource or its state on the server. When issuing multiple TRACE requests, the server will consistently return the same request data, making it a safe and predictable operation. However, due to security concerns, TRACE is often disabled on web servers to prevent potential information leaks.

As can be seen from this information, most of the methods used in a REST API are idempotent. The exception is POST. However, it is worth remembering that if used incorrectly, other methods like GET and HEAD can still be called in a non-idempotent way. Developers can avoid this by following REST principles.

Implementing Idempotency in APIs

Here’s a couple tips on how you can design and implement idempotent operations effectively:

Practical Advice on Designing Idempotent Operations

  1. Understand the HTTP Methods: Recognize which HTTP methods are naturally idempotent (GET, PUT, DELETE, etc.) and design your API operations accordingly. Ensure that repeated calls to these methods produce the same result without unintended side effects.
  2. Use Idempotency Keys for Non-Idempotent Operations: For operations that are not inherently idempotent, like POST, use idempotency keys. These keys allow the server to recognize repeated requests and handle them appropriately, ensuring the operation is only performed once.
  3. Implement State Validation: Before performing any operation, check the current state of the resource to determine if the operation has already been completed. This validation helps in preventing duplicate operations.
  4. Return Consistent Responses: Ensure that your API returns the same response for repeated idempotent requests. This helps in maintaining predictability and simplifies client-side error handling.

Using Idempotency Keys to Ensure Safe Retries

Idempotency keys are unique identifiers provided by the client in the request header. Here’s how to implement them:

  1. Generate Unique Keys: Clients should generate a unique idempotency key for each request. This key should be included in the request headers.
  2. Store and Check Keys: On the server side, store the outcome of each request using the idempotency key. Before processing a new request, check if the key has already been used. If it has, return the stored response instead of processing the request again.
  3. Implement Expiry for Keys: Optionally, implement an expiry mechanism for idempotency keys to free up storage after a certain period.

By following these practices, you can ensure that your API operations remain idempotent, reliable, and efficient, even in the face of network issues or duplicate requests.

Getting Started with DreamFactory

DreamFactory is a full-service SaaS platform that helps with API management at all stages of the API life cycle. We can help you create an API, convert and update existing web services, or maintain your existing APIs. There is a library of resources made available by our API experts. DreamFactory’s no-code platform is the perfect starting point if your considering how APIs might contribute to enhancing better organizational agility within your business or team.

Book a call and start creating your APIs today!

Frequently Asked Questions: Idempotentcy

What is idempotency?

Idempotency is a property of certain operations or API requests that ensures performing the operation multiple times yields the same result as if it were executed only once. This principle is essential in distributed systems and APIs to maintain consistency and predictability in scenarios like network issues, request retries, or duplicated requests.

Why is idempotency important in APIs?

Idempotency is crucial in APIs because it guarantees consistent outcomes even if a resource is called multiple times due to network interruptions or request duplications. Non-idempotent operations can lead to unintended side-effects like creating additional resources or unexpected changes, posing a significant risk when data accuracy is crucial.

Can you provide an example of idempotency in practice?

Consider an API for monetary transactions. If a user requests to transfer $100 from Account A to Account B, and due to network issues, the request is duplicated, idempotency ensures that only one $100 transfer occurs, preventing the unintended transfer of $200.

What benefits does idempotency offer?

Idempotency simplifies error handling, concurrency management, debugging, and monitoring in operations and APIs. It enhances user experience by maintaining consistency and predictability, even in the face of network disruptions and request retries.

What's the difference between idempotency and safety?

Idempotency ensures that repeated operations yield the same outcome. Safety, on the other hand, refers to operations that don't modify the returned value. While all safe methods are idempotent, not all idempotent methods are safe.

Which HTTP methods are idempotent?

HTTP methods such as GET, HEAD, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, and TRACE are considered idempotent. They can be retried or executed multiple times without causing unintended side effects.

Is POST an idempotent method?

No, POST is not inherently idempotent. Making the same POST request multiple times can result in different outcomes or create multiple instances of submitted data.

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